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Welcome to Citrus Zen!
We are a Zen Buddhist group affiliated with Yokoji Zen Mountain Center. We meet every Wednesday evening from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. (please see the schedule for details). If you are new to Zen practice and require instruction on zazen (meditation), please arrive 30 minutes early. Chairs and meditation cushions are provided, but you are welcome to bring your personal cushion.

We meet every Wednesday evening from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm.
6:00pm Setup and zazen instruction
6:30pm Zazen
6:55pm Kinhin (walking meditation)
7:05pm Zazen
7:30pm Stretch
7:35pm Dharma talk/discussion*
*We will continue zazen instead of the dharma talk on the first Wednesday of each month.
Daisan (private meetings) with Chigen Sensei are available during zazen for those who regularly attend Citrus Zen or are Yokoji Zen Mountain Center members.

Tu Vien Quan Am Temple
12670 18th St.
Redlands CA.
We are near the corner of Outer HWY 10 and 18th Street. Look for the large statues. Please drive through the gate and park near the temple.


Tom Chigen Bartholomew, Sensei
Born and raised in Southern California, Chigen Sensei began his formal Zen training at Yokoji Zen Mountain Center in 1997, was ordained as a priest in 2006, completed formal koan study in 2014, and received Dharma Transmission (authorization to teach) from Tenshin Fletcher Roshi in 2017. He is a member of the White Plum Asanga, Soto Zen Buddhist Association, and American Zen Teachers Association.

Phone: (909) 557-5873
Address: 12670 18th St.
Redlands, CA 92373

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